§ 15C‑3. AddressConfidentiality Program.
The General Assemblyestablishes the Address Confidentiality Program in the Office of the AttorneyGeneral to protect the confidentiality of the address of a relocated victim ofdomestic violence, sexual offense, stalking, or human trafficking to preventthe victim's assailants or potential assailants from finding the victim throughpublic records. Under this Program, the Attorney General shall designate asubstitute address for a program participant and act as the agent of theprogram participant for purposes of service of process and receiving andforwarding first‑class mail or certified or registered mail. The AttorneyGeneral shall not be required to forward any mail other than first‑classmail or certified or registered mail to the program participant. The AttorneyGeneral shall not be required to track or otherwise maintain records of anymail received on behalf of a program participant unless the mail is certifiedor registered mail. (2002‑171, s. 1; 2007‑547, s. 6.)