Article 7.
Administrative Offices.
Part1. Organization and Reorganization of City Government.
§ 160A‑146. Council to organize citygovernment.
The council may create, change, abolish, and consolidate offices,positions, departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of the citygovernment and generally organize and reorganize the city government in orderto promote orderly and efficient administration of city affairs, subject to thefollowing limitations:
(1) The council may not abolish any office, position,department, board, commission, or agency established and required by law;
(2) The council may not combine offices or confer certainduties on the same officer when such action is specifically forbidden by law;
(3) The council may not discontinue or assign elsewhere anyfunctions or duties assigned by law to a particular office, position,department, or agency. (1971, c. 698, s. 1.)