Part 4. Personnel.
§ 160A‑162. Compensation.
(a) The council shall fix or approve the schedule of pay,expense allowances, and other compensation of all city employees, and may adoptposition classification plans; any compensation or pay plan may includeprovisions for payments to employees on account of sickness or disability. Incities with the council‑manager form of government, the manager shall beresponsible for preparing position classification and pay plans for submissionto the council and, after any such plans have been adopted by the council,shall administer them. In cities with the mayor‑council form ofgovernment, the council shall appoint a personnel officer (or confer the dutiesof personnel officer on some city administrative officer); the personnelofficer shall then be responsible for administering the pay plan and anyposition classification plan in accordance with general policies and directivesadopted by the council.
(b) The council may purchase life, health, and any other formsof insurance for the benefit of all or any class of city employees and theirdependents, and may provide other fringe benefits for city employees. (1923, c. 20; 1949, c. 103; 1969, c. 845; 1971, c.698, s. 1; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1247, ss. 18, 19.)