§ 160A‑17.1. (Effectiveuntil December 31, 2010) Grants and loans from other governments.
(a) Federal and State. The governing body of any city or county is hereby authorized to makecontracts for and to accept grants‑in‑aid and loans from thefederal and State governments and their agencies for constructing, expanding,maintaining, and operating any project or facility, or performing any function,which such city or county may be authorized by general law or local act toprovide or perform.
In order to exercise theauthority granted by this section, the governing body of any city or countymay:
(1) Enter into and carryout contracts with the State or federal government or any agency or institutionthereof under which such government, agency, or institution grants financial orother assistance to the city or county;
(2) Accept suchassistance or funds as may be granted or loaned by the State or federalgovernment with or without such a contract;
(3) Agree to and complywith any lawful and reasonable conditions which are imposed upon such grants orloans;
(3a) Agree to and complywith minimum minority business enterprise participation requirementsestablished by the federal government and its agencies in projects financed byfederal grants‑in‑aid or loans, by including such minimumrequirements in the specifications for contracts to perform all or part of suchprojects and awarding bids pursuant to G.S. 143‑129 and 143‑131, ifapplicable, to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders meeting these and anyother specifications.
(4) Make expendituresfrom any funds so granted.
(b) Local. Thegoverning body of a city that is subject to a lien by the federal governmentand is not eligible to receive a grant from the federal government until thelien is removed may accept a loan from the county in which the city is locatedin order to pay its debt to the federal government and have the lien removed.The term of the loan may not exceed three years. This subsection applies onlyto a city located in a county whose population does not exceed 20,000 accordingto the most recent annual population estimates certified by the State BudgetOfficer. (1971,c. 896, s. 10; c. 937, ss. 1, 1.5; 1973, c. 426, s. 8; 1981, c. 827; 2007‑91,s. 1.)
§ 160A‑17.1. (EffectiveDecember 31, 2010) Grants from other governments.
(a) Federal and State. The governing body of any city or county is hereby authorized to makecontracts for and to accept grants‑in‑aid and loans from thefederal and State governments and their agencies for constructing, expanding,maintaining, and operating any project or facility, or performing any function,which such city or county may be authorized by general law or local act toprovide or perform.
In order to exercise theauthority granted by this section, the governing body of any city or countymay:
(1) Enter into and carryout contracts with the State or federal government or any agency or institutionthereof under which such government, agency, or institution grants financial orother assistance to the city or county;
(2) Accept suchassistance or funds as may be granted or loaned by the State or federalgovernment with or without such a contract;
(3) Agree to and complywith any lawful and reasonable conditions which are imposed upon such grants orloans;
(3a) Agree to and complywith minimum minority business enterprise participation requirementsestablished by the federal government and its agencies in projects financed byfederal grants‑in‑aid or loans, by including such minimumrequirements in the specifications for contracts to perform all or part of suchprojects and awarding bids pursuant to G.S. 143‑129 and 143‑131, ifapplicable, to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders meeting these and anyother specifications.
(4) Make expendituresfrom any funds so granted.
(b) Expired effectiveDecember 31, 2010.(1971,c. 896, s. 10; c. 937, ss. 1, 1.5; 1973, c. 426, s. 8; 1981, c. 827.)