§ 160A‑283. Jointcounty and city auxiliary police.
The governing body of any city, town, or county is hereby authorized tocreate and establish a joint law‑enforcement officers' auxiliary forcewith one or more cities, towns, or counties. Each participating city, town, orcounty shall, by resolution or ordinance, establish the joint auxiliary policeforce. The resolution or ordinance shall specify whether the members of thejoint auxiliary police force shall be volunteers or shall be paid. Membersshall be appointed by the respective governmental units and shall take the oathrequired for regular police officers. The joint auxiliary force may be calledinto active service at any time by the mayor or chief of police of theparticipating town or city or the chairman of the board of commissioners orsheriff of a participating county. Members of the joint auxiliary force, whileundergoing official training and while on active duty shall be members of theunit which called the auxiliary force into active duty and shall be entitled toall powers, privileges and immunities afforded by law to regularly employed law‑enforcementofficers of that unit including benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act.Members of the joint auxiliary force shall not be considered as public officerswithin the meaning of the North Carolina Constitution. Such members shall bedressed in the uniform prescribed by such auxiliary force at any time suchmembers or member exercises any of the duties or authority herein provided for.(1971, c. 607; c. 896, s.4; 1979, c. 714, s. 2.)