§ 160A‑301. Parking.
(a) On‑Street Parking. A city may by ordinance regulate,restrict, and prohibit the parking of vehicles on the public streets, alleys,and bridges within the city. When parking is permitted for a specified periodof time at a particular location, a city may install a parking meter at thatlocation and require any person parking a vehicle therein to place the meter inoperation for the entire time that the vehicle remains in that location, up tothe maximum time allowed for parking there. Parking meters may be activated bycoins or tokens. Proceeds from the use of parking meters on public streets mustbe used to defray the cost of enforcing and administering traffic and parkingordinances and regulations.
(b) Off‑Street Parking. A city may by ordinance regulatethe use of lots, garages, or other facilities owned or leased by the city anddesignated for use by the public as parking facilities. The city may imposefees and charges for the use of these facilities, and may provide for thecollection of these fees and charges through parking meters, attendants,automatic gates, or any other feasible means. The city may make it unlawful topark any vehicle in an off‑street parking facility without paying theestablished fee or charge and may ordain other regulations pertaining to theuse of such facilities.
Revenues realized from off‑street parking facilities may bepledged to amortize bonds issued to finance such facilities, or used for anyother public purpose.
(c) Nothing contained in Public Laws 1921, Chapter 2, Section29, or Public Laws 1937, Chapter 407, Section 61, shall be construed to affectthe validity of a parking meter ordinance or the revenues realized therefrom.
(d) The governing body of any city may, by ordinance, regulatethe stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles in specified areas of anyparking areas or driveways of a hospital, shopping center, apartment house,condominium complex, or commercial office complex, or any other privately ownedpublic vehicular area, or prohibit such stopping, standing, or parking duringany specified hours, provided the owner or person in general charge of theoperation and control of that area requests in writing that such an ordinancebe adopted. The owner of a vehicle parked in violation of an ordinance adoptedpursuant to this subsection shall be deemed to have appointed any appropriatelaw‑enforcement officer as his agent for the purpose of arranging for thetransportation and safe storage of such vehicle.
(e) The registered owner of a vehicle that has been leased orrented to another person or company shall not be liable for a violation of anordinance adopted pursuant to this section if, after receiving notification ofthe civil violation within 90 days of the date of occurrence, the owner, within30 days thereafter, files with the officials or agents of the municipality anaffidavit including the name and address of the person or company that leasedor rented the vehicle. If notification is given to the owner of the vehicleafter 90 days have elapsed from the date of the violation, the owner is notrequired to provide the name and address of the lessee or renter, and the ownershall not be held responsible for the violation. (1917, c. 136, subch. 5, s. 1; 1919, cc. 136, 237; C.S., s. 2787; 1941,c. 153, ss. 1, 2; c. 272; 1947, c. 7; 1953, c. 171; 1965, c. 945; 1971, c. 698,s. 1; 1973, c. 426, s. 48; 1979, c. 745, s. 2; 2003‑380, s. 1.)