§ 160A‑302.1. Fishing from bridges regulated.
The governing body of any city is hereby authorized to enact anordinance prohibiting or regulating fishing from any bridge for the purpose ofprotecting persons fishing on the bridge from passing vehicular or railtraffic. Such ordinance may also prohibit or regulate fishing from any bridgeone mile beyond the corporate limits of the city where the board or boards ofcounty commissioners by resolution agree to such prohibition or regulation;provided, however, that the board or boards of county commissioners may upon 30days' written notice withdraw their respective approval of the municipalordinance, and that ordinance shall have no further effect within that county'sjurisdiction. The ordinance shall provide that signs shall be posted on anybridge where fishing is prohibited or regulated reflecting such prohibition orregulation. In any event, no one may fish from the drawspan of any regularlyattended drawbridge.
The police department of the city is hereby vested with thejurisdiction and authority to enforce any ordinance passed pursuant to thissection.
The authority granted under the provisions of this section shall besubject to the authority of the Board of Transportation to prohibit fishing onany bridge on the State highway system. (1971, c. 690, ss. 2, 3, 6; c. 896, s. 15; 1973, c. 426, s. 49; c. 507,s. 5.)