§ 160A‑303.1. Regulation of the placing of trash, refuse and garbage within municipal limits.
The governing body of any municipality is hereby authorized to enact anordinance prohibiting the placing, discarding, disposing or leaving of anytrash, refuse or garbage upon a street or highway located within thatmunicipality or upon property owned or operated by the municipality unless suchgarbage, refuse or trash is placed in a designated location or container forremoval by a specific garbage or trash service collector. Any ordinance adoptedpursuant hereto may prohibit the placing, discarding, disposing or leaving ofany trash, refuse or garbage upon private property located within themunicipality without the consent of the owner, occupant, or lessee thereof andmay provide that the placing, discarding, disposing or leaving of the articlesforbidden by this section shall, for each day or portion thereof the articlesor matter are left, constitute a separate offense.
The governing body of a municipality, in any ordinance adopted pursuanthereto, may provide that a person who violates the ordinance may be punished bya fine not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) or imprisoned not exceeding 30days, or both, for each offense. (1973, c. 953.)