§ 160A‑307. Curbcut regulations.
A city may by ordinance regulate the size, location, direction oftraffic flow, and manner of construction of driveway connections into anystreet or alley. The ordinance may require the construction or reimbursementof the cost of construction and public dedication of medians, acceleration anddeceleration lanes, and traffic storage lanes for driveway connections into anystreet or alley if:
(1) The need for such improvements is reasonably attributable tothe traffic using the driveway; and
(2) The improvements serve the traffic of the driveway.
No street or alley under the control of the Department ofTransportation may be improved without the consent of the Department ofTransportation. However, if there is a conflict between the written drivewayregulations of the Department of Transportation and the related drivewayimprovements required by the city, the more stringent requirement shall apply. (1971, c. 698, s. 1; 1987, c. 747, s. 16.)