§ 160A‑309. Intersection and roadwayimprovements.
A city may contract with a developer or property owner, or with aprivate party who is under contract with the developer or property owner, forpublic intersection or roadway improvements that are adjacent or ancillary to aprivate land development project. Such a contract is not subject to Article 8of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes if the public cost will not exceed twohundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) and the city or its designated agencydetermines that: (i) the public cost will not exceed the estimated cost ofproviding for those public intersection or roadway improvements through eithereligible force account qualified labor or through a public contract letpursuant to Article 8 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes; or (ii) thecoordination of separately constructed public intersection or roadwayimprovements, and the adjacent or ancillary private land developmentimprovements would be impracticable. A city may enact ordinances and policiessetting forth the procedures, requirements, and terms for agreements authorizedby this section. (2005‑426, s. 8(c).)