Part 2. Annexation by Cities of Less than 5,000.
§ 160A‑33. Declaration of policy.
It is hereby declared as a matter of State policy:
(1) That sound urban development is essential to the continuedeconomic development of North Carolina;
(2) That municipalities are created to provide the governmentalservices essential for sound urban development and for the protection ofhealth, safety and welfare in areas being intensively used for residential,commercial, industrial, institutional and government purposes or in areasundergoing such development;
(3) That municipal boundaries should be extended, in accordancewith legislative standards applicable throughout the State, to include suchareas and to provide the high quality of governmental services needed thereinfor the public health, safety and welfare; and
(4) That new urban development in and around municipalitieshaving a population of less than 5,000 persons tends to be concentrated closeto the municipal boundary rather than being scattered and dispersed as in thevicinity of larger municipalities, so that the legislative standards governingannexation by smaller municipalities can be simpler than those for largermunicipalities and still attain the objectives set forth in this section;
(5) That areas annexed to municipalities in accordance withsuch uniform legislative standards should receive the services provided by theannexing municipality in accordance with G.S. 160A‑35(3). (1959, c. 1010, s. 1; 1973, c. 426, s. 74; 1983, c.636, s. 8.)