§ 160A‑382. Districts.
(a) For any or all these purposes, the city may divide itsterritorial jurisdiction into districts of any number, shape, and area that maybe deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this Part; and within thosedistricts it may regulate and restrict the erection, construction,reconstruction, alteration, repair or use of buildings, structures, or land.Such districts may include, but shall not be limited to, general use districts,in which a variety of uses are permissible in accordance with generalstandards; overlay districts, in which additional requirements are imposed oncertain properties within one or more underlying general or special usedistricts; and special use districts or conditional use districts, in whichuses are permitted only upon the issuance of a special use permit or aconditional use permit and conditional zoning districts, in which site plansand individualized development conditions are imposed.
(b) Property may be placed in a special use district, conditionaluse district, or conditional district only in response to a petition by theowners of all the property to be included. Specific conditions applicable tothese districts may be proposed by the petitioner or the city or its agencies,but only those conditions mutually approved by the city and the petitioner maybe incorporated into the zoning regulations or permit requirements. Conditionsand site‑specific standards imposed in a conditional district shall belimited to those that address the conformance of the development and use of thesite to city ordinances and an officially adopted comprehensive or other planand those that address the impacts reasonably expected to be generated by thedevelopment or use of the site.
A statement analyzing the reasonableness of the proposed rezoning shallbe prepared for each petition for a rezoning to a special or conditional usedistrict, or a conditional district, or other small‑scale rezoning.
(c) Except as authorized by the foregoing, all regulations shallbe uniform for each class or kind of building throughout each district, but theregulations in one district may differ from those in other districts. (1923, c. 250, s. 2; C.S., s. 2776(s); 1931, c. 176, s. 1; 1933, c. 7;1963, c. 1058, s. 1; 1971, c. 698, s. 1; 1973, c. 426, s. 60; 1985, c. 607, s.1; 2005‑426, s. 6(a).)