§ 160A‑383.4. Localenergy efficiency incentives.
(a) Land‑UseDevelopment Incentives. Counties and municipalities, for the purpose ofreducing the amount of energy consumption by new development, and therebypromoting the public health, safety, and welfare, may adopt ordinances to granta density bonus, make adjustments to otherwise applicable developmentrequirements, or provide other incentives to a developer or builder within thecounty or municipality and its extraterritorial planning jurisdiction if thedeveloper or builder agrees to construct new development or reconstructexisting development in a manner that the county or municipality determines,based on generally recognized standards established for such purposes, makes asignificant contribution to the reduction of energy consumption.
(b) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑95, s. 1, effective June 11, 2009. (2007‑241, ss. 1, 2;2008‑22, s. 1; 2009‑95, s. 1.)