Part 3.Annexation by Cities of 5,000 or More.
§ 160A‑45. Declarationof policy.
It is hereby declared as amatter of State policy:
(1) That sound urbandevelopment is essential to the continued economic development of NorthCarolina;
(2) That municipalitiesare created to provide the governmental services essential for sound urbandevelopment and for the protection of health, safety and welfare in areas beingintensively used for residential, commercial, industrial, institutional andgovernmental purposes or in areas undergoing such development;
(3) That municipalboundaries should be extended in accordance with legislative standardsapplicable throughout the State, to include such areas and to provide the highquality of governmental services needed therein for the public health, safetyand welfare;
(4) That new urbandevelopment in and around municipalities having a population of 5,000 or morepersons is more scattered than in and around smaller municipalities, and thatsuch larger municipalities have greater difficulty in expanding municipalutility systems and other service facilities to serve such scattereddevelopment, so that the legislative standards governing annexation by largermunicipalities must take these facts into account if the objectives set forthin this section are to be attained;
(5) That areas annexedto municipalities in accordance with such uniform legislative standards shouldreceive the services provided by the annexing municipality in accordance withG.S. 160A‑47(3). (1959, c. 1009, s. 1; 1973, c. 426, s. 74; 1983, c.636, s. 9.)