§ 160A‑463. Personnel.
(a) The units may agree that any joint agency established underG.S. 160A‑462 shall appoint the officers, agents, and employees necessaryto execute the undertaking, or that the units jointly shall appoint thesepersonnel, or that one of the units shall appoint the personnel with theirservices contracted for by the other units or by the joint agency. If theunits determine that one unit shall appoint the personnel, the agreement shallprovide that the jurisdiction, authority, rights, privileges, and immunities(including coverage under the workers' compensation laws) which the officers,agents, and employees of the appointing unit enjoy within the territory of thatunit shall also be enjoyed by them outside its territory when they are actingpursuant to the agreement and within the scope of their authority or the courseof their employment.
(b) When the subject of an undertaking is a sovereign functionof government, the exercise of which has been delegated to an officer of eachparticipating unit, the agreement may provide that one officer shall exercisethe function for all the participating units, with all of the powers, duties,and obligations that an officer exercising the function in a single unit wouldhave. (1971, c. 698, s. 1; 1991,c. 636, s. 3.)