§ 160A‑479.4. Contents of charter.
The charter of a regional sports authority shall:
(1) Specify the name of the authority;
(2) Establish the powers, duties, and functions that it mayexercise and perform;
(3) Establish the number of delegates to represent the membergovernments, fix their terms of office, provide methods for filling vacancies,and prescribe the compensation and allowances, if any, to be paid to delegates;
(4) Set out the method of determining the financial support thatwill be given to the authority by each member government;
(5) Establish a method for amending the charter, and fordissolving the authority and liquidating its assets and liabilities.
Inaddition, the charter may, but need not, contain rules and regulations for theconduct of authority business and any other matter pertaining to theorganization, powers, and functioning of the authority that the membergovernments deem appropriate. (1989, c. 780, s. 1.)