§ 160A‑506. Creation of a county redevelopment commission.
If the board of county commissioners of a county by resolution declaresthat blighted areas do exist in said county, and the redevelopment of suchareas is necessary in the interest of public health, safety, morals, or welfareof the residents of such county, the county commissioners of said county arehereby authorized to create a separate and distinct body corporate and politicto be known as the redevelopment commission of said county by passing aresolution to create such a commission to function in the territorial limits ofsaid county. Provided, however, that notice of the intent to consider passageof such a resolution or ordinance shall be published at least 10 days prior tothe meeting of the board of county commissioners for such purposes, and furtherprovided that the redevelopment commission shall not function in an area wheresuch a commission exists or in the corporate limits of a municipality withoutresolution of agreement by said municipality.
All of the provisions of Article 22, Chapter 160A of the GeneralStatutes, shall be applicable to county redevelopment commissions, includingthe formation, appointment, tenure, compensation, organization, interest andpowers as specified therein. (1969, c. 1208, s. 2; 1973, c. 426, s. 75.)