§ 160A‑53. Definitions.
The following terms where used in this Part shall have the followingmeanings, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) "Contiguous area" shall mean any area which, atthe time annexation procedures are initiated, either abuts directly on themunicipal boundary or is separated from the municipal boundary by a street orstreet right‑of‑way, a creek or river, the right‑of‑wayof a railroad or other public service corporation, lands owned by the city orsome other political subdivision, or lands owned by the State of NorthCarolina.
(2) "Used for residential purposes" shall mean any lotor tract five acres or less in size on which is constructed a habitabledwelling unit. (1959, c. 1009, s.9; 1973, c. 426, s. 74.)