Part 4. Annexation of Noncontiguous Areas.
§ 160A‑58. Definitions.
The words and phrases defined in this section have the meaningsindicated when used in this Part unless the context clearly requires anothermeaning:
(1) "City" means any city, town, or village withoutregard to population, except cities not qualified to receive gasoline taxallocations under G.S. 136‑41.2.
(2) "Primary corporate limits" means the corporatelimits of a city as defined in its charter, enlarged or diminished bysubsequent annexations or exclusions of contiguous territory pursuant to Parts1, 2, and 3 of this Article or local acts of the General Assembly.
(3) "Satellite corporate limits" means the corporatelimits of a noncontiguous area annexed pursuant to this Part or a local actauthorizing or effecting noncontiguous annexations. (1973, c. 1173, s. 2.)