Part 4A. Effective Dates of Certain AnnexationOrdinances.
§ 160A‑58.9. Effective date of certainannexation ordinances adopted from January 1, 1987, to August 3, 1987.
(a)In the case of any annexation ordinance adoptedduring the period beginning January 1, 1987, and ending on August 3, 1987, ifthe effective date of the annexation under the ordinance is during 1988, thegoverning board of the municipality may, notwithstanding G.S. 160A‑37(j)or G.S. 160A‑49(j), amend the ordinance to provide for an effective dateof December 31, 1987. The board must give notice by publication of its intentto consider adoption of such ordinance, such notice to be published at least 10days before the meeting at which the ordinance is adopted. Copies of theadopted ordinance shall be recorded in accordance with the provisions of G.S.160A‑39 or G.S. 160A‑51, as applicable.
(b) This section applies only to territory located in countieswith a population of 55,000 or over, according to the 1980 decennial federalcensus. (1987, c. 715, s. 2.)