§ 160A‑605. Membership; officers; compensation.
(a) The governing body of an authority is the Board ofTrustees. The Board of Trustees shall consist of 13 members, appointed asfollows:
(1) The county with the greatest population shall be allocatedfive members to be appointed as follows:
a. Two by the board of commissioners of that county;
b. Two by the city council of the city containing the largestpopulation within that county; and
c. One by the city council of the city containing the secondlargest population within that county;
(2) The county with the next greatest population shall beallocated three members to be appointed as follows:
a. One by the board of commissioners of that county;
b. One by the city council of the city containing the largest populationwithin that county; and
c. One jointly by that board of commissioners and city council,by procedures agreed on between them;
(3) The county with the least population shall be allocated twomembers to be appointed as follows:
a. One by the board of commissioners of that county; and
b. One by the city council of the city containing the largestpopulation within that county; and
(4) Three members of the Board of Transportation appointed bythe Secretary of Transportation, to serve as ex officio nonvoting members.
(b) Voting members of the Board of Trustees shall serve forterms of four years, provided that one‑half of the initial appointmentsshall be for two‑year terms, to be determined by lot at the first meetingof the Board of Trustees. Initial terms of office shall commence upon approvalby the Secretary of State of the articles of incorporation. The membersappointed by the Secretary of Transportation shall serve at his pleasure.
(c) An appointing authority may appoint one of its members tothe Board of Trustees. Service on the Board of Trustees may be in addition toany other office which a person is entitled to hold. Each voting member of theBoard of Trustees may hold elective public office as defined by G.S. 128‑1.1(d).
(d) Members of the Board of Trustees shall reside within theterritorial jurisdiction of the Authority as defined by G.S. 160A‑604.
(e) The Board of Trustees shall annually elect from itsmembership a Chairperson, and a Vice‑Chairperson, and shall annuallyelect a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
(f) Members of the Board of Trustees shall receive the sum offifty dollars ($50.00) as compensation for attendance at each duly conductedmeeting of the Authority. (1989, c. 740, s. 1.)