§ 160A‑631. Definitions.
As used in this Article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Authority" means a Regional TransportationAuthority as defined by subdivision (6) of this section.
(2) "Board of Trustees" means the governing board ofthe Authority, in which the general legislative powers of the Authority arevested.
(3) "Population" means the number of persons residingin respective areas as defined and enumerated in the most recent decennialfederal census.
(4) "Public transportation" means transportation ofpassengers whether or not for hire by any means of conveyance, including, butnot limited to, a street or elevated railway or guideway, subway, motor vehicleor motor bus, carpool or vanpool, either publicly or privately owned and operated,holding itself out to the general public for the transportation of personswithin or working within the territorial jurisdiction of the Authority,excluding charter, tour, or sight‑seeing service.
(5) "Public transportation system" means, withoutlimitation, a combination of real and personal property, structures,improvements, buildings, equipment, vehicle parking, or other facilities,railroads and railroad rights‑of‑way whether held in fee simple byquitclaim or easement, and rights‑of‑way, or any combinationthereof, used or useful for the purposes of public transportation. "Publictransportation system" however, does not include streets, roads, orhighways except those for ingress and egress to vehicle parking.
(6) "Regional Transportation Authority," means a bodycorporate and politic organized in accordance with the provisions of thisArticle for the purposes, with the powers and subject to the restrictionshereinafter set forth.
(7) "Unit of local government" means any county, city,town or municipality of this State, and any other political subdivision, publiccorporation, Authority, or district in this State, which is or may beauthorized by law to acquire, establish, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain,own, and operate public transportation systems.
(8) "Unit of local government's chief administrativeofficial" means the county manager, city manager, town manager, or otherperson, by whatever title he shall be known, in whom the responsibility for theunit of local government's administrative duties is vested. (1997‑393, s. 1.)