Article 7.
Assumption of Indebtedness of Certain Districts.
§ 162A‑101. Assumption of indebtedness ofcertain districts.
Subject to approval by a majority of the qualified voters of the countyvoting at an election thereon, a county may assume all indebtedness, incurredfor paying all or any part of the cost of a water supply and distributionsystem, a sewerage system, or both, of any:
(1) Water and sewer authority organized under Article 1 of thisChapter;
(2) Metropolitan water district organized under Article 4 ofthis Chapter;
(3) Metropolitan sewerage district organized under Article 5 ofthis Chapter; or
(4) County water and sewer district organized under Article 6 ofthis Chapter.
Anelection under this Article shall be called and held in accordance with theprovisions of the Local Government Finance Act, insofar as the same may be madeapplicable, and the returns of the election shall be canvassed and a statementof the result thereof prepared, recorded and published as provided in the LocalGovernment Finance Act. No right of action or defense founded upon theinvalidity of the election shall be asserted nor shall the validity of theelection be open to question in any court upon any ground whatever, except inan action or proceeding commenced within 30 days after the publication of thestatement of result. In the event that any indebtedness of a water and sewerauthority, metropolitan water district, metropolitan sewerage district, orcounty water and sewer district is assumed by the county, there shall beannually levied and collected an ad valorem tax upon all the taxable propertyin the county sufficient to pay the assumed indebtedness and the interestthereon as it becomes due and payable; provided, however, the tax may bereduced by the amount of other moneys actually available for this purpose. Thetax shall be determined, levied and collected in the manner provided by law. (1989, c. 573.)