§ 162A‑15. Services to authority by private water companies; records of water taken byauthority; reports to the Commission.
Each private water company which is supplying water to the owners,lessees or tenants of real property which is or will be served by any sewersystem of an authority is authorized to act as the billing and collecting agentof the authority for any rates, fees or charges imposed by the authority forthe services rendered by such sewer system. Any such company shall, ifrequested by an authority furnish to the authority copies of its regularperiodic meter reading and water consumption records and other pertinent dataas may be required for the authority to act as its own billing and collectingagent. The authority shall pay to such water company the reasonable additionalcost of clerical services and other expenses incurred by the water company inrendering such services to the authority. The authority shall by means ofsuitable measuring and recording devices and facilities record the quantity ofwater taken daily by it from any stream or reservoir and make monthly reportsof such daily recordings to the Commission. (1955, c. 1195, s. 14; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1004, s. 46.)