§ 162A‑32. Definitions; description of boundaries.
(a) As used in this Article the following words and terms shallhave the following meanings, unless the context shall indicate another ordifferent meaning or intent:
(1) "Board of commissioners" or "commissioners"shall mean the duly elected board of commissioners of the county in which ametropolitan water district shall be created under the provisions of thisArticle.
(2) "City council" or "council" shall meanthe duly elected city council of any municipality located within the State.
(3) "Cost" as applied to a water system or seweragesystem shall mean the cost of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing,improving, extending, enlarging, repairing and equipping any such system, andshall include the cost of all labor and materials, machinery and equipment,lands, property, rights, easements and franchises, plans and specifications,surveys and estimates of cost and of revenues, and planning, engineering,financial advice, and legal services, financing charges, interest prior to andduring construction and, if deemed advisable by a district board, for one yearafter the estimated date of completion of construction, and all other expensesnecessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of anysuch undertaking, administrative expense and such other expenses, includingreasonable provision for working capital and a reserve for debt service, as maybe necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized, and may alsoinclude any obligation or expense incurred by a district or by any politicalsubdivision prior to the issuance of bonds under the provisions of this Articlein connection with any such undertaking or any of the foregoing items of cost.
(4) "District" shall mean a metropolitan waterdistrict created under the provisions of this Article.
(5) "District board" shall mean the district board ofthe metropolitan water district created under the provisions of this Article.
(6) "General obligation bonds" shall mean bonds of ametropolitan water district for the payment of which and the interest thereonall the taxable property within said district is subject to the levy of an advalorem tax without limitation of rate or amount.
(7) "Governing body" shall mean the board, board oftrustees, commission, board of commissioners, council or other body, bywhatever name it may be known, of a political subdivision including, butwithout limitation, other water or sewer districts or the trustees thereofwithin the State of North Carolina in which the general legislative powersthereof are vested.
(8) "Person" shall mean any and all persons includingindividuals, firms, partnerships, associations, public or private institutions,municipalities or political subdivisions, governmental agencies or private orpublic corporations organized and existing under the laws of the State or anyother state or county.
(9) "Political subdivision" shall mean any county,city, town, incorporated village, sanitary district, water district, sewerdistrict, special purpose district or other political subdivision or publiccorporation of this State now or hereafter created or established.
(10) "Revenue bonds" shall mean bonds the principal ofand the interest on which are payable solely from revenues of a water system orsystems or a sewerage system or systems or both owned or operated by ametropolitan water district created under the provisions of this Article.
(11) "Revenues" shall mean all moneys received by ametropolitan water district from, in connection with, or as a result of itsownership or control or operation of a water system or systems or a seweragesystem or systems, or both, including, without limitation and as deemedadvisable by the district board, moneys received from the United States ofAmerica or any agency thereof, pursuant to an agreement with the district boardpertaining to the water system or the sewerage system or both.
(12) "Sewerage system" shall embrace sewage collectionand disposal systems of all types, including septic tank systems or other on‑sitecollection or disposal facilities or systems and any part or parts thereof,either within or without the limits of a district, all property, rights,easements and franchises relating thereto, and any and all buildings and otherstructures deemed necessary or useful by a district board in connection withthe operation or maintenance thereof.
(13) "Sewers" shall mean any mains, pipes and laterals,including pumping stations for the reception of sewage and carrying such sewageto an outfall or some part of a sewage disposal system, and all property,rights, easements, and franchises related thereto and deemed necessary orconvenient by a district board for the operation and maintenance thereof.
(14) "Water distribution system" shall include aqueducts,mains, laterals, pumping stations, distributing reservoirs, standpipes, tanks,hydrants, services, meters, valves, and all necessary appurtenances, and allproperty, rights, easements, and franchises related thereto and deemednecessary or convenient by a district board for the operation and maintenancethereof.
(15) "Water system" shall mean and include all plants,systems, facilities or properties used or useful or having the present capacityfor future use in connection with the supply or distribution of water, and anyintegral part thereof, including but not limited to water supply systems, waterdistribution systems, sources of water supply including lakes, reservoirs andwells, intakes, mains, laterals, aqueducts, pumping stations, standpipes, filtrationplants, purification plants, hydrants, meters, valves, and all necessaryappurtenances and equipment and all properties, rights, easements andfranchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient by a districtboard for the operation or maintenance thereof.
(16) "Water treatment or purification plant" shall meanany plant, system, facility, or property, used or useful or having the presentcapacity for future use in connection with the treatment or purification ofwater, or any integral part thereof; and all necessary appurtenances orequipment, and all property, rights, easements and franchises relating theretoand deemed necessary or convenient by a district board for the operationthereof.
(b) Whenever this Article requires that the boundaries of anarea be described, it shall be sufficient if the boundaries are described in amanner which conveys an understanding of the location of the land and may be
(1) By reference to a map,
(2) By metes and bounds,
(3) By general description referring to natural boundaries,boundaries of political subdivisions, existing water or sewer districts, orportions thereof, or boundaries of particular tracts or parcels of land, or
(4) Any combination of the foregoing. (1971, c. 815, s. 2; 1979, c. 619, s. 9.)