§ 162A‑65. Definitions; description of boundaries.
(a) Definitions. As used in this Article the following wordsand terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context shall indicateanother or different meaning or intent:
(1) The term "board of commissioners" shall mean theboard of commissioners of the county in which a metropolitan sewerage districtshall be created under the provisions of this Article.
(2) The word "cost" as applied to a sewerage systemshall mean the cost of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, improving,extending, enlarging, repairing and equipping any such system, and shallinclude the cost of all labor and materials, machinery and equipment, lands,property, rights, easements and franchises, plans and specifications, surveysand estimates of cost and of revenues, and engineering and legal services,financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and, if deemedadvisable by the district board, for one year after the estimated date ofcompletion of construction, and all other expenses necessary or incident todetermining the feasibility or practicability of any such undertaking,administrative expense and such other expenses, including reasonable provisionfor working capital and a reserve for interest, as may be necessary or incidentto the financing herein authorized, and may also include any obligation orexpense incurred by the district or by any political subdivision prior to theissuance of bonds under the provisions of this Article in connection with anysuch undertaking or any of the foregoing items of cost.
(3) The word "district" shall mean a metropolitansewerage district created under the provisions of this Article.
(4) The term "district board" shall mean a seweragedistrict board established under the provisions of this Article as thegoverning body of a district or, if such sewerage district board shall beabolished, any board, body, or commission succeeding to the principal functionsthereof or upon which the powers given by this Article to the sewerage districtboard shall be given by law.
(5) The term "general obligation bonds" shall meanbonds of a district for the payment of which and the interest thereon all thetaxable property within such district is subject to the levy of an ad valoremtax without limitation of rate or amount.
(6) The term "governing body" shall mean the board,commission, council or other body, by whatever name it may be known, of apolitical subdivision in which the general legislative powers thereof arevested, including, but without limitation, as to any political subdivisionother than the county, the board of commissioners for the county when thegeneral legislative powers of such political subdivision are exercised by suchboard.
(7) The word "person" shall mean any and all personsincluding individuals, firms, partnerships, associations, public or privateinstitutions, municipalities, or political subdivisions, governmental agencies,or private or public corporations organized and existing under the laws of thisState or any other state or county.
(8) The term "political subdivision" shall mean anycounty, city, town, incorporated village, sanitary district, water district,sewer district, special purpose district or other political subdivision orpublic corporation of this State now or hereafter created or established.
(9) The term "revenue bonds" shall mean bonds theprincipal of and the interest on which are payable solely from revenues of asewerage system or systems.
(9a) The word "revenues" shall mean all moneys receivedby a district from, in connection with or as a result of its ownership oroperation of a sewerage system, including, without limitation and if deemedadvisable by the district board, moneys received from the United States ofAmerica, or any agency thereof, pursuant to an agreement with the districtboard pertaining to the sewerage system.
(10) The word "sewage" shall mean the water‑carriedwastes created in and carried or to be carried away from residences, hotels,schools, hospitals, industrial establishments, commercial establishments or anyother private or public buildings, together with such surface or groundwater orhousehold and industrial wastes as may be present.
(11) The term "sewage disposal system" shall mean anyplant, system, facility or property, either within or without the limits of thedistrict, used or useful or having the present capacity for future use inconnection with the collection, treatment, purification or disposal of sewage,or any integral part thereof, including but not limited to septic tank systemsor other on‑site collection or disposal facilities or systems, treatmentplants, facilities for the generation and transmission of electric power andenergy, pumping stations, intercepting sewers, trunk sewers, pressure lines,mains and all necessary appurtenances and equipment, and all property, rights,easements and franchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient bythe district board for the operation thereof.
(12) The term "sewerage system" shall embrace bothsewers and sewage disposal systems and any part or parts thereof, either withinor without the limits of the district, all property, rights, easements andfranchises relating thereto, and any and all buildings and other structuresnecessary or useful in connection with the ownership, operation or maintenancethereof.
(13) The word "sewers" shall mean any mains, pipes andlaterals, including pumping stations, either within or without the limits ofthe district, for the reception of sewage and carrying such sewage to anoutfall or some part of a sewage disposal system.
(b) Description of Boundaries. Whenever this Article requires that the boundaries of an area be described, it shall be sufficient if theboundaries are described in a manner which conveys an understanding of thelocation of the land and may be
(1) By reference to a map,
(2) By metes and bounds,
(3) By general description referring to natural boundaries,boundaries of political subdivisions, or boundaries of particular tracts orparcels of land, or
(4) Any combination of the foregoing. (1961, c. 795, s. 2; 1969, c. 993, s. 1; 1973, c. 822,s. 4; 1979, c. 619, s. 10; 1983, c. 333, s. 1.)