§ 162A‑74. Rights‑of‑wayand easements in streets and highways.
A right‑of‑way or easement in, along, or across any Statehighway system, road, or street, and along or across any city or town streetwithin a district is hereby granted to a district in case such right‑of‑wayis found by the district board to be necessary or convenient for carrying outany of the work of the district. Any work done in, along, or across any Statehighway system, road, street, or property shall be done in accordance with therules and regulations and any reasonable requirements of the Department ofTransportation, and any work done in, along, or across any municipal street orproperty shall be done in accordance with any reasonable requirements of themunicipal governing body. (1961, c. 795, s. 24; 1973, c. 507, s. 5; c. 822, s. 4; 1977, c. 464,s. 34.)