§ 162A‑75. Submission of preliminary plans to planning groups; cooperation with planningagencies.
Prior to the time final plans are made for the location andconstruction of any sewerage system, the district board shall presentpreliminary plans for such improvement to the county, municipal or regionalplanning board for their consideration, if such facility is to be locatedwithin the planning jurisdiction of any such county, municipal or regionalplanning group. The district board shall make every effort to cooperate withthe planning agency, if any, in the location and construction of a proposedfacility authorized under this Article. Any district board created under theauthority of this Article is hereby directed, wherever possible, to coordinateits plans for the construction of sewerage system improvements with the overallplans for the development of the planning area, if such district is locatedwholly or in part within a county, municipal or regional planning area;provided, however, that the approval of any such county, municipal or regionalplanning board as to any such plan of the district shall not be required. (1961, c. 795, s. 25; 1973, c. 822, s. 4.)