§ 162B‑3. Emergency public business; nature and conduct.
Whenever the public business of any political subdivision is beingconducted at a designated emergency location outside the territorial limitsthereof, the members of the governing body may exercise such executive andlegislative powers and functions as are pertinent to continued operation of thelocal government upon return to within the respective political subdivision.Any action taken by any local governing body at a designated emergency locationshall apply and be effective only within the territorial limits of thepolitical subdivision which such governing body represents. During the periodof time in which the public business is being conducted at a designatedemergency location, the governing body may, when emergency conditions makeimpossible compliance with legally prescribed procedural requirements relatingto the conduct of meetings and transaction of business, waive such complianceby adoption of an ordinance or resolution reciting the facts and conditionsshowing the impossibility of compliance. (1959, c. 349.)