§ 162B‑9. Emergency interim successors for local officers.
The provisions of this section shall be applicable to officers ofpolitical subdivisions (including, but not limited to counties, cities, townsand townships as well as school, fire, drainage and other municipal corporatedistricts) not included in G.S. 162B‑8. Such governing bodies, pursuantto such regulations as they may adopt, shall upon approval of this Article,designate by title (if feasible) or by named person, emergency interimsuccessors and specify their order of succession. The local governing bodyshall review and revise, as necessary, designations made pursuant to thisArticle to insure their current status. The governing body will designate asufficient number of persons so that there will be not less than three, normore than seven, deputies or emergency interim successors or combinationthereof at any time. In the event that any officer of any political subdivision(or his deputy provided for pursuant to law) is unavailable, the powers of theoffice shall be exercised and duties shall be discharged by his designatedemergency interim successors in the order specified. The emergency interimsuccessor shall exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the office towhich designated until such time as a vacancy which may exist shall be filledin accordance with the Constitution or statutes; or until the officer (or hisdeputy or a preceding emergency interim successor) again becomes available toexercise the powers and discharge the duties of his office. (1959, c. 314, s. 5.)