§ 163‑110. Candidates declared nominees without primary.
If a nominee for a single office is to be selected and only onecandidate of a political party files for that office, or if nominees for two ormore offices (constituting a group) are to be selected, and only the number ofcandidates equal to the number of the positions to be filled file for apolitical party for said offices, then the appropriate board of electionsshall, upon the expiration of the filing period for said office, declare suchpersons as the nominees or nominee of that party, and the names shall not beprinted on the primary ballot, but shall be printed on the general electionballot as candidate for that political party for that office. For the followingoffices, this declaration shall be made by the county board of elections withwhich the aspirant filed notice of candidacy: All county offices, StateSenators in single‑county senatorial districts, and members of the StateHouse of Representatives in single‑county representative districts. Forall other offices, this declaration shall be made by the State Board ofElections. (1915, c. 101, ss.13, 19; 1917, c. 218; C.S., ss. 6033, 6039; 1966, Ex. Sess., c. 5, ss. 9, 11;1967, c. 775, s. 1; 1973, c. 793, s. 42; 1975, c. 19, s. 68; 1981, c. 220, ss.1, 2.)