§ 163‑127.6. Appeals.
(a) Appeals from Singleor Multicounty Panel. The decision of a panel created under G.S. 163‑127.3(1)or G.S. 163‑127.3(2) may be appealed as of right to the Board by any ofthe following:
(1) The challenger.
(2) A candidate adverselyaffected by the panel's decision.
Appeal must be taken withintwo business days after the panel serves the written decision on the parties.The written appeal must be delivered or deposited in the mail to the Board bythe end of the second business day after the written decision was filed by thepanel. The Board shall prescribe forms for filing appeals from a panel'sdecision in a challenge. The Board shall base its appellate decision on thewhole record of the hearing conducted by the panel and render its opinion on anexpedited basis. From the final order or decision by the Board under thissubsection, appeal as of right lies directly to the Court of Appeals. Appealshall be filed no later than two business days after the Board files its finalorder or decision in its office.
(b) Appeals fromStatewide Panel. The decision of a panel created under G.S. 163‑127.3(3)may be appealed as of right to the Court of Appeals by any of the following:
(1) The challenger.
(2) A candidateadversely affected by the panel's decision.
Appeal must be taken withintwo business days after the panel files the written decision. The writtenappeal must be delivered or deposited in the mail to the Court of Appeals bythe end of the second business day after the written decision was filed by thepanel. (2006‑155,s. 1.)