§ 163‑130.1. Out‑of‑precinct votingplaces.
A county board of elections, by unanimous vote of all its members, mayestablish a voting place for a precinct that is located outside that precinct.The county board's proposal is subject to approval by the Executive Director ofthe State Board of Elections. The county board shall submit its proposal inwriting to the Executive Director. Approval by the Executive Director of thecounty's proposed plan shall be conditioned upon the county board of elections'demonstrating that:
(1) No facilities adequate to serve as a voting place arelocated in the precinct;
(2) Adequate notification and publicity are provided to notifyvoters in the precinct of the new polling location;
(3) The plan does not unfairly favor or disfavor voters withregard to race or party affiliation;
(4) The new voting place meets all requirements for votingplaces including accessibility for elderly and disabled voters; and
(5) The proposal provides adequately for security against fraud.
Any approval granted by the Executive Director for a voting placeoutside the precinct is effective only for one primary and election and must bereevaluated by the county board of elections and the Executive Directorannually to determine whether it is still the only available alternative forthat precinct. (1999‑426, s. 3(a);2001‑319, ss. 3(a), 11.)