§ 163‑130.2. Temporary use of two voting placesfor certain precincts.
A county board of elections, by unanimous vote of all its members, maypropose to designate two voting places to be used temporarily for the sameprecinct. The temporary designation of a voting place shall continue only forthe term of office of the county board of elections making the designation. Forany precinct that is temporarily given two voting places, the county boardshall assign every voter to one or the other of those voting places.
The county board's proposal is subject to approval by the ExecutiveDirector of the State Board of Elections. The county board shall submit itsproposal in writing to the Executive Director. The Executive Director shallapprove that proposal only if it finds all of the following:
(1) That the precinct has more registered voters than canadequately be accommodated by any single potential voting place available forthe precinct.
(2) That no boundary line that complies with Article 12A of thisChapter can be identified that adequately divides the precinct.
(3) That the county board can account for, by street addressnumber, the location of every registered voter in the precinct and fix thatvoter's residence with certainty on a map.
(4) That no more than three other precincts in the same countywill have two voting places.
(5) That both voting places for the precinct would have adequatefacilities for the elderly and disabled.
(6) That the proposal provides adequately for security againstfraud.
(7) That the proposal does not unfairly favor or disfavor voterswith regard to race or party affiliation.
Thecounty board shall designate a full set of precinct officials, in the mannerset forth in Article 5 of this Chapter, for each voting place designated forthe precinct. (1999‑426, s. 4(a);2001‑319, ss. 4(a), 4(b), 11.)