§ 163‑132.3. Alterations to approved precinct boundaries.
(a) No county board ofelections may change any precinct boundary unless the Executive Director of theState Board of Elections determines that the county board has a currentcapability of complying with G.S. 163‑132.1B(a2) by reporting allelection returns by voting tabulation district as required by G.S. 163‑132.5G.If the Executive Director so determines, the county board may make any changesto precinct boundaries, provided that all proposed new precincts shall consistsolely of contiguous territory. The State Board of Elections may set uniformstandards for precinct boundaries, which the county boards of elections shallfollow. The county board of elections shall report every change in precinct boundaryto the Executive Director in a format required by the Executive Director.
The county boards of electionsshall report precinct boundary changes to the Executive Director in the mannerthe Executive Director directs. No newly created or altered precinct boundaryis effective until approved by the Executive Director of the State Board asbeing in compliance with this section.
(b) The ExecutiveDirector of the State Board of Elections shall examine the maps of the proposednew or altered precincts and any required written descriptions. If theExecutive Director of the State Board determines that all precinct boundariesare in compliance with this section, the Executive Director of the State Boardshall approve the maps and written descriptions as filed and these precinctsshall be the official precincts.
(c) If the ExecutiveDirector of the State Board determines that the proposed precinct boundariesare not in compliance with subsection (a) of this section, the ExecutiveDirector shall not approve those precinct boundaries. The Executive Directorshall notify the county board of elections of his disapproval specifying thereasons. The county board of elections may then resubmit new precinct maps andwritten descriptions to cure the reasons for their disapproval.
(d) Repealed by SessionLaws 2004‑127, s. 1(a), effective August 15, 2004, and applicable toprecincts established or changed on or after that date.
(e) Repealed by SessionLaws 2007‑391, s. 6(b), effective January 1, 2008. (1985, c. 757, s. 205(a);1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1074, s. 2; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 927, s. 1;1993, c. 352, s. 3; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 762, s. 71; 1995, c. 423, ss.2, 3; 1999‑227, ss. 1, 2; 2001‑319, ss. 10.1, 11; 2001‑487,s. 96; 2002‑159, s. 56; 2003‑434, 1st Ex. Sess., s. 13; 2004‑127,s. 1(a); 2007‑391, s. 6(b); 2008‑187, s. 33(b).)