Article 14A.
Part 1. Definitions.
§ 163‑165. Definitions.
In addition to the definitionsstated below, the definitions set forth in Article 15A of Chapter 163 of theGeneral Statutes also apply to this Article. As used in this Article:
(1) "Ballot"means an instrument on which a voter indicates a choice so that it may berecorded as a vote for or against a certain candidate or referendum proposal.The term "ballot " may include a paper ballot to be counted by hand,a paper ballot to be counted on an electronic scanner, the face of a levervoting machine, the image on a direct record electronic unit, or a ballot usedon any other voting system.
(2) "Ballotitem" means a single item on a ballot in which the voters are to choosebetween or among the candidates or proposals listed.
(3) "Ballotstyle" means the version of a ballot within a jurisdiction that anindividual voter is eligible to vote. For example, in a county that usesessentially the same official ballot, a group office such as county commissionermay be divided into districts so that different voters in the same county votefor commissioner in different districts. The different versions of the county'sofficial ballot containing only those district ballot items one individualvoter may vote are the county's different ballot styles.
(4) "Election"means the event in which voters cast votes in ballot items concerning proposalsor candidates for office in this State or the United States. The term includesprimaries, general elections, referenda, and special elections.
(5) "Officialballot" means a ballot that has been certified by the State Board ofElections and produced by or with the approval of the county board ofelections. The term does not include a sample ballot or a specimen ballot.
(6) "Provisionalofficial ballot" means an official ballot that is voted and then placed inan envelope that contains an affidavit signed by the voter certifying identityand eligibility to vote. Except for its envelope, a provisional official ballotshall not be marked to make it identifiable to the voter.
(7) "Referendum"means the event in which voters cast votes for or against ballot questionsother than the election of candidates to office.
(8) "Votingbooth" means the private space in which a voter is to mark an officialballot.
(9) "Votingenclosure" means the room within the voting place that is used for voting.
(10) "Votingplace" means the building or area of the building that contains the votingenclosure.
(11) "Votingsystem" means a system of casting and tabulating ballots. The termincludes systems of paper ballots counted by hand as well as systems utilizingmechanical and electronic voting equipment. (2001‑460, s. 3; 2001‑466, s. 3(a), (b);2002‑159, s. 21(h); 2006‑262, s. 4.)