Part 2. Ballots and VotingSystems.
§ 163‑165.1. Scope andgeneral rules.
(a) Scope. ThisArticle shall apply to all elections in this State.
(b) Requirements ofOfficial Ballots in Voting. In any election conducted under this Article:
(1) All voting shall beby official ballot.
(2) Only votes cast onan official ballot shall be counted.
(c) Compliance WithThis Article. All ballots shall comply with the provisions of this Article.
(d) Other UsesProhibited. An official ballot shall not be used for any purpose notauthorized by this Article.
(e) Voted ballots andpaper and electronic records of individual voted ballots shall be treated asconfidential, and no person other than elections officials performing theirduties may have access to voted ballots or paper or electronic records ofindividual voted ballots except by court order or order of the appropriateboard of elections as part of the resolution of an election protest orinvestigation of an alleged election irregularity or violation. Voted ballotsand paper and electronic records of individual voted ballots shall not bedisclosed to members of the public in such a way as to disclose how aparticular voter voted, unless a court orders otherwise. Any person who hasaccess to an official voted ballot or record and knowingly discloses inviolation of this section how an individual has voted that ballot is guilty ofa Class 1 misdemeanor. (2001‑460, s. 3; 2002‑159, s. 55(o); 2005‑323, s.1(f); 2007‑391, s. 9(a).)