§ 163‑165.10. Adequacy of voting system foreach precinct.
The county board of elections shall make available for each precinctvoting place an adequate quantity of official ballots or equipment. When theboard of county commissioners has decided to adopt and purchase or lease avoting system for voting places under the provisions of G.S. 165‑165.8,the board of county commissioners shall, as soon as practical, provide for eachof those voting places sufficient equipment of the approved voting system in completeworking order. If it is impractical to furnish each voting place with theequipment of the approved voting system, that which has been obtained may beplaced in voting places chosen by the county board of elections. In that case,the county board of elections shall choose the voting places and allocate theequipment in a way that as nearly as practicable provides equal access to thevoting system for each voter. The county board of elections shall appoint asmany voting system custodians as may be necessary for the proper preparation ofthe system for each election and for its maintenance, storage, and care. TheExecutive Director of the State Board of Elections may permit a county board ofelections to provide more than one type of voting system in a precinct, butonly upon a finding that doing so is necessary to comply with federal or Statelaw. (2001‑460, s. 3; 2005‑428, s. 2.)