§ 163‑165.4A. Punch‑card ballots andlever machines.
(a) No ballot may be used in any referendum, primary, or otherelection as an official ballot if it requires the voter to punch out a holewith a stylus or other tool.
(a1) No lever machine voting system may be used in any referendum,primary, or other election as a means of voting the official ballot. A"lever machine voting system" is a voting system on which the votercasts a vote by pressing a lever and the vote is mechanically recorded by themachine.
(b) In any counties that used punch‑card ballots asofficial ballots or lever machines in the election of November 2000, and in anymunicipalities located in those counties, this section becomes effectiveJanuary 1, 2006. It is the intent of the General Assembly that any county thatuses county funds to replace voting equipment to satisfy this section shall begiven priority in appropriations to counties for voting equipment. (2001‑310, ss. 1, 3; 2003‑226, s. 12.)