§ 163‑165.9. Votingsystems: powers and duties of county board of elections.
(a) Before approvingthe adoption and acquisition of any voting system by the board of countycommissioners, the county board of elections shall do all of the following:
(1) Recommend to theboard of county commissioners which type of voting system should be acquired bythe county.
(2) Witness ademonstration, in that county or at a site designated by the State Board ofElections, of the type of voting system to be recommended and also witness ademonstration of at least one other type of voting system certified by theState Board of Elections.
(3) Test, during anelection, the proposed voting system in at least one precinct in the countywhere the voting system would be used if adopted.
(b) After theacquisition of any voting system, the county board of elections shall complywith any requirements of the State Board of Elections regarding training andsupport of the voting system by completing all of the following:
(1) The county board ofelections shall comply with all specifications of its voting system vendor forballot printers. The county board of elections is authorized to contract withnoncertified ballot printing vendors, so long as the noncertified ballotprinting vendor meets all specifications and all quality assurance requirementsas set by the State Board of Elections.
(2) The county board ofelections shall annually maintain software license and maintenance agreementsnecessary to maintain the warranty of its voting system. The State Board ofElections shall not provide routine maintenance to any county board ofelections that does not maintain the warranty of its voting system. If theState Board of Elections provides any maintenance to a county that has notmaintained the warranty of its voting system, the county shall reimburse theState for the cost.
(3) The county board ofelections shall not replace any voting system, or any portion thereof, withoutapproval of the State Board of Elections.
(4) The county board ofelections may have its voting system repaired pursuant to its maintenanceagreement but shall notify the State Board of Elections at the time of everyrepair, according to guidelines that shall be provided by the State Board ofElections. (2001‑460,s. 3; 2005‑323, s. 4; 2007‑391, s. 25; 2008‑187, s. 33(a);2009‑541, s. 20.)