§ 163‑166.7A. Voter education and information.
(a) Posting the Information. For each election that involvescandidates for federal or State office, each county board of elections shallpost at each active voting place the following information in a manner andformat approved by the State Board of Elections:
(1) A sample ballot as required by G.S. 163‑165.2.
(2) The date of the election and the hours the voting place willbe open.
(3) Instructions on how to vote, including how to cast a vote orcorrect a vote on the voting systems available for use in that voting place.
(4) Instructions on how to cast a provisional ballot.
(5) Instructions to mail‑in registrants and first‑timevoters on how to comply with the requirements in section 303(b) of the HelpAmerica Vote Act of 2002 concerning voter identifications.
(6) General information on voting rights under applicablefederal and State law, including information on the right of an individual tocast a provisional ballot and instructions on how to contact the appropriateofficials if the voter believes those rights have been violated.
(7) General information on federal and State laws that prohibitacts of fraud and misrepresentation as to voting and elections.
(b) Intent. The posting required by subsection (a) of thissection is intended to meet the mandate of the voting information requirementsin section 302(b) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002. (2003‑226, s. 8.)