§ 163‑22.3. State Board of Elections litteringnotification.
At the time an individual files with the State Board of Elections anotice of candidacy pursuant to G.S. 163‑106, 163‑112, 163‑291,163‑294.2, or 163‑323, is certified to the State Board of Electionsby a political party executive committee to fill a nomination vacancy pursuantto G.S. 163‑114, is certified to the State Board of Elections by a newpolitical party as that party's nominee pursuant to G.S. 163‑98,qualifies with the State Board of Elections as an unaffiliated or write‑incandidate pursuant to Article 11 of this Chapter, or formally initiates acandidacy with the State Board of Elections pursuant to any statute or localact, the State Board of Elections shall notify the candidate of the provisionsconcerning campaign signs in G.S. 136‑32 and G.S. 14‑156, and therules adopted by the Department of Transportation pursuant to G.S. 136‑18.(2001‑512, s. 7.)