§ 163‑247. Methods of applying for absenteeballots.
An individual entitled to exercise the rights conferred by this Articleand who is absent from the county of his residence may apply for absenteeballots in either of the ways provided in this section.
(1) Federal Postcard Application Form. At any time prior tothe statewide primary or general election in which he seeks to vote, theapplicant may make and sign a written application to the County Board ofElection[s] in County of Voter's Residence for absentee ballots on the postcardform specified in or promulgated by regulation under The Uniformed and OverseasCitizens Absentee Voting Act of 1986 (UOCAVA), 42 U.S.C. § 1973ff(b) and §1973ff‑3.
(2) Application to Chairman of County Board of Elections. Inlieu of applying on the federal postcard as provided in the precedingsubdivision, at any time prior to the statewide primary or general election inwhich he seeks to vote the applicant may make and sign a written application tothe chairman of the board of elections of the county of his residence upon aform prepared and furnished him upon request by the county board of elections.This form shall require the applicant's signature and shall elicit from him:
a. A request for absentee ballots to be voted in a specifiedstatewide primary or general election.
b. A statement of his political party affiliation if he seeksto vote by absentee ballot in a primary election.
c. A statement of his membership in the armed forces of theUnited States, or his membership in one of the other categories to which thisArticle is made applicable in G.S. 163‑245.
d. A statement of the precinct in which he is registered tovote, or, if the applicant is not registered, a statement of his address beforeentering military or other qualifying service and the period of time he residedat that address.
e. A statement of the address to which the absentee ballotsshould be mailed.
In lieu of using a form prepared andfurnished by the county board of elections, the voter may apply in an informalwriting. If the written application is signed by the voter and if it containsall the information required by this subdivision, it shall be regarded assufficient to permit the chairman of the county board of elections to act uponit.
(3) If a single application from an absentee uniformed voter isreceived by an election official, it shall be considered a valid absenteeballot request with respect to all general, primary, and runoff elections forfederal, State, county, or those municipal offices in which absentee ballotsare allowed under the provisions of G.S. 163‑302, held through the nexttwo regularly scheduled general elections for federal office. This subdivisiondoes not apply to a special election not involving the election of candidates,unless that special election is being held on the same day as a general orprimary election. (1941, c. 346, ss. 2, 3;1943, c. 503, s. 2; 1963, c. 457, s. 12; 1967, c. 775, s. 1; 1977, c. 265, s.16; 1987, c. 415, s. 1; 2001‑466, ss. 4(c), 4(d); 2003‑226, s. 20.)