§ 163‑254. Registrationand voting on primary or election day.
Notwithstanding any otherprovisions of Chapter 163 of the General Statutes, an individual shall bepermitted to register in person at any time the office of the board ofelections or the voting place is open, including the day of a primary orelection if that individual was absent on the day the registration recordsclose for an election, but returns to that individual's county of residence inNorth Carolina thereafter, and if the absence is due to an occupation or statusof that individual listed below:
(1) Individuals servingin the armed forces of the United States, including (but not limited to) theArmy, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the MerchantMarine, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the commissionedcorps of the Public Health Service, and members of the National Guard andmilitary reserve.
(2) Spouses ofindividuals serving in the armed forces of the United States residing outsidethe counties of their spouses' voting residence.
(3) Disabled warveterans in United States government hospitals.
(4) Civilians attachedto and serving outside the United States with the armed forces of the UnitedStates.
(5) Members of the PeaceCorps.
If an individual so absent onthe day registration closes shall appear in person at the voting place onelection day and is otherwise eligible to vote, that individual shall beentitled to register and vote at the voting place that day, regardless ofwhether the person's occupation or status as outlined in subdivisions (1)through (5) of this section has changed since the close of registration. (1977, c. 93; 1999‑424,s. 7(l); 2001‑353, s. 3; 2009‑281, s. 1.)