§ 163‑278.14A. Evidencethat communications are "to support or oppose the nomination or electionof one or more clearly identified candidates."
(a) The following shallbe means of proving that an individual or other entity acted "to supportor oppose the nomination or election of one or more clearly identifiedcandidates": presenting evidence of financial sponsorship ofcommunications to the general public that use phrases such as "votefor", "reelect", "support", "cast your ballotfor", "(name of candidate) for (name of office)", "(name ofcandidate) in (year)", "vote against", "defeat","reject", "vote pro‑(policy position)" or "voteanti‑(policy position)" accompanied by a list of candidates clearlylabeled "pro‑(policy position)" or "anti‑(policyposition)", or communications of campaign words or slogans, such asposters, bumper stickers, advertisements, etc., which say "(name ofcandidate)'s the One", "(name of candidate) '98", "(name ofcandidate)!", or the names of two candidates joined by a hyphen or slash.
(b) Notwithstanding theprovisions of subsection (a) of this section, a communication shall not besubject to regulation as a contribution or expenditure under this Article ifit:
(1) Appears in a newsstory, commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of anybroadcasting station, newspaper, or magazine, unless those facilities are ownedor controlled by any political party, or political committee;
(2) Is distributed by acorporation solely to its stockholders and employees; or
(3) Is distributed byany organization, association, or labor union solely to its members or tosubscribers or recipients of its regular publications, or is made available toindividuals in response to their request, including through the Internet. (1999‑453, s. 3(a);2008‑150, s. 6(b).)