§ 163‑278.17. Statements of media receiving campaign expenditures.
(a) Repealed by Session Laws 1985, c. 183, s. 1.
(b) Each media shall require written authority for eachexpenditure from each candidate, treasurer or individual making or authorizingan expenditure.
A candidate may authorize advertisement paid for by a treasurerappointed by the candidate. All authorizations of expenditures signed by acandidate, treasurer or individual shall be deemed public records and copies ofsaid authorizations shall be available for inspection during normal businesshours at the office(s) of the media making the publication or broadcast nearestto the place(s) of publication or broadcast.
(c) Repealed by Session Laws 1985, c. 183, s. 2. (1973, c. 1272, s. 1; 1975, c. 565, s. 3; 1979, c.500, ss. 5, 6; c. 1073, s. 9; 1985, c. 183, ss. 1, 2.)