Part 1A. Disclosure Requirementsfor Media Advertisements.
§ 163‑278.38Z. Definitions.
As used in this Part:
(1) "Advertisement"means any message appearing in the print media, on television, or on radio thatconstitutes a contribution or expenditure under this Article.
(2) "Candidate"means any individual who, with respect to a public office listed in G.S. 163‑278.6(18),has filed a notice of candidacy or a petition requesting to be a candidate, orhas been certified as a nominee of a political party for a vacancy, or hasotherwise qualified as a candidate in a manner authorized by law, or has fileda statement of organization under G.S. 163‑278.7 and is required to fileperiodic financial disclosure statements under G.S. 163‑278.9.
(3) "Candidatecampaign committee" means any political committee organized by or underthe direction of a candidate.
(4) "Full‑screen"means the only picture appearing on the television screen during the oraldisclosure statement contains the disclosing person, that the picture occupiesall visible space on the television screen, and that the image of thedisclosing person occupies at least fifty percent (50%) of the vertical heightof the television screen.
(5) "Politicalaction committee" has the same meaning as "political committee"in G.S. 163‑278.6(14), except that "political action committee"does not include any political party or political party organization.
(6) "Politicalparty organization" means any political party executive committee or anypolitical committee that operates under the direction of a political partyexecutive committee or political party chair.
(7) "Printmedia" means billboards, cards, newspapers, newspaper inserts, magazines,mass mailings, pamphlets, fliers, periodicals, and outdoor advertising facilities.A "mass mailing" is a mailing with more than 500 pieces.
(8) "Radio"means any radio broadcast station that is subject to the provisions of 47U.S.C. §§ 315 and 317.
(9) "Scanline" means a standard term of measurement used in the electronic media industrycalculating a certain area in a television advertisement.
(10) "Sponsor"means a candidate, candidate committee, political party organization, politicalaction committee, referendum committee, individual, or other entity thatpurchases an advertisement.
(11) "Television"means any television broadcast station, cable television system, wireless‑cablemultipoint distribution system, satellite company, or telephone companytransmitting video programming that is subject to the provisions of 47 U.S.C.§§ 315 and 317.
(12) "Unobscured"means the only printed material that may appear on the television screen is avisual disclosure statement required by law, and nothing is blocking the viewof the disclosing person's face. (1999‑453, s. 2(a); 2004‑203, s. 12(a).)