§ 163‑278.43. Annual report to State Board ofElections; suspension of disbursements; willful violations a misdemeanor;adoption of rules; reporting by candidates and political committees.
(a) The State chairman of each political party receiving funds from the PoliticalParties Fund or the Presidential Election Year Candidates Fund or both shallmaintain a full and complete record of the party's receipts and any and allsubsequent expenditures and disbursements thereof, and such shall besubstantiated by any records, receipts, and information that the ExecutiveDirector of the State Board of Elections shall require. Such record shall becentrally located and shall be readily available at reasonable hours for publicinspection.
(b) By December 31 of each year, the State chairman of eachpolitical party receiving funds from the Political Parties Fund or aPresidential Election Year Candidates Fund in the 12 preceding months shallfile with the State Board of Elections an itemized statement reporting all receipts,expenditures and disbursements from the date of the last report and attached tosuch report shall be the verification of such chairman that all such fundsreceived were expended in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Ifthe Executive Secretary of the State Board of Elections determines and finds asa fact that any such funds were not disbursed or expended in accordance withthis Article, he shall order such political party to reimburse the amountimproperly expended or disbursed to the General Fund of the State and suchpolitical party shall not receive further disbursements from the PoliticalParties Fund or a Presidential Election Year Candidates Fund until suchreimbursement has been accomplished in full. A copy of any such order shall beforwarded to the State Treasurer, which shall constitute notice to him tosuspend further disbursements from the campaign fund.
(c) Repealed by Session Laws 1985, c. 259.
(c1) The State Board shall review each application and certifythat the political party is eligible to receive the funds requested. The StateBoard shall establish rules for the administration and enforcement of thisArticle.
(c2) The treasurer of any political committee or candidatereceiving any funds from the Political Parties Fund or a Presidential ElectionYear Candidates Fund through a political party shall report such receipts ascontributions according to the method and timetable set forth in Article 22A ofthis Chapter. The treasurer shall report disbursements of such funds as expendituresor loans according to the method and timetable set forth in Article 22A of thisChapter. The reports shall be made to the proper board of elections accordingto Article 22A of this Chapter. There is no requirement that a candidate or apolitical committee other than a political party shall maintain funds from thePolitical Parties Fund or a Presidential Election Year Candidates Fund in aseparate account.
(d) Repealed by Session Laws 1985, c. 259. (1977, 2nd Sess., c. 1298, s. 2; 1979, c. 926, s. 1;1985, c. 259; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1063, s. 3; 1991, c. 347, s. 2; c.397, s. 1; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1032, s. 10C.)