Article 22D.
The North Carolina PublicCampaign Fund.
§ 163‑278.61. Purposeof the North Carolina Public Campaign Fund.
The purpose of this Article isto ensure the fairness of democratic elections in North Carolina and to protectthe constitutional rights of voters and candidates from the detrimental effectsof increasingly large amounts of money being raised and spent to influence theoutcome of elections, those effects being especially problematic in electionsof the judiciary, since impartiality is uniquely important to the integrity andcredibility of the courts. Accordingly, this Article establishes the NorthCarolina Public Campaign Fund as an alternative source of campaign financingfor candidates who demonstrate public support and voluntarily accept strictfund‑raising and spending limits. This Article is available to candidatesfor justice of the Supreme Court and judge of the Court of Appeals in electionsto be held in 2004 and thereafter. (2002‑158, s. 1; 2005‑276, s. 23A.1(d).)