§ 163‑278.97. Voter‑OwnedElections Fund established; sources of funding.
(a) Establishment ofFund. The North Carolina Voter‑Owned Elections Fund is established tofinance the election campaigns of certified candidates for office and to payadministrative and enforcement costs of the Board related to this Article. TheFund is a special, dedicated, nonlapsing, nonreverting fund. Any interestgenerated by the Fund is credited to the Fund. The Board shall administer theFund.
(b) Sources of Funding. Money received from all the following sources must be deposited in the Fund:
(1) Unspent Fundrevenues distributed for an election that remain unspent or uncommitted at thetime the recipient is no longer a certified candidate in the election.
(2) Money orderedreturned to the Fund in accordance with G.S. 163‑278.99D.
(3) Money paid to theFund equal to excess contributions as provided in G.S. 163‑278.98(e)(1).
(4) Voluntary donationsmade directly to the Fund.
(5) Appropriations fromthe General Fund.
(c) Evaluation andDetermination of Fund Amount. By January 1, 2011, and every four yearsthereafter, the Board, in conjunction with the Advisory Council establishedunder G.S. 163‑278.68(b), shall prepare and provide to the JointLegislative Commission on Governmental Operations of the General Assembly areport documenting, evaluating, and making recommendations relating to theadministration, implementation, and enforcement of this Article. In its report,the Board shall set out the funds received to date and the expected needs ofthe Fund during the next election cycle and make recommendations about thefeasibility of expanding its provisions to include other candidates for Stateoffice based on the experience of this Article and the experience of similarprograms in North Carolina and other states. The Board shall also evaluate andmake recommendations regarding how to address activities that could underminethe purpose of this Article, including spending that appears to targetcandidates but is not reached by regulation. (2007‑484, s. 43.8(c); 2007‑540, s. 1.)